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Fred O'Leary Collection: Demmler 1884 DRP Perpetual Barrel

Listing # 11062
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Listing Format: Auction
Current price : $700.00
Starting bid: $700.00
# of bids: 1
Closes: Auction is closed
Location: Cupertino, CA
Started: 11/2/2012 EDT
Ended: 11/11/2012 3:19:00 PM EDT
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Click on a picture to enlarge or download file. Fred O'Leary Collection: Demmler 1884 DRP Perpetual Barrel Fred O'Leary Collection: Demmler 1884 DRP Perpetual Barrel Fred O'Leary Collection: Demmler 1884 DRP Perpetual Barrel

This is Ernst Demmler's German DRP (patent) 28963 granted to Ernst Demmler April 26 1884.  See Peters German Corkscrew Patents page 16 and Mechanical Corkscrews page 139. 

The mechanism consists of crossover grooving on the shaft with a pin in the neck of the barrel that allows the shaft to keep rising while constantly turning in a clockwise direction which is why it is called a perpetual.


Excellent condition.

Shipping Cost:

USPS Priority Mail: U.S. $5, Canada $12, Worldwide $17.  Buyer accepts responsibility for loss or damage if uninsured.

Seller accepts PayPal payments
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PayPal or wire transfer

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