Listing Format: | Auction |
Current price : | $75.00 |
Starting bid: | $100.00 |
# of bids: | 1 |
Closes: | Auction is closed |
Location: | Williamsburg, va |
Started: | 11/1/2013 EDT |
Ended: | 11/17/2013 10:35:46 AM EDT |
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Add this Perille French Brevete Diamant steel handle corkscrew to your collection--nickel plated all steel with interlocking inner plain shaft and facetted female threaded outer shaft with center point bladed worm. Marked "DIAMANT J-P PARIS" on the side of the frame. Listed in ScrewBase as #MIf010 and in D.Bull's U.C. Book, page 69. Estimated value is $250+. Satis. guaranteed.
OPERATION: Begins with inner plain shaft up and frame positioned over cork to center worm. Clockwise turning inserts worm. Further clockwise turning interlocks inner shaft handle with top of the female threaded outer shaft and causes it to rise and pull cork.
Very Good to fine condition with some wear on the nickel plate.
Shipping Cost: | Shipping cost $7.50 in the U.S.A. by U.S. Priority Mail. Optional Insurance to USA locations(buyer assumes all responsibility for uninsured parcels).Insurance rates: $100 to $200.; $2.50, $200.01 to $300; $3.50; $300.01 to $400; $4.50; $400.01 to $500; $5.50, $500.01 to $600; $5.50 plus $0.95 per $100 or fraction thereof over $600 to $2000. If bidding from outside of USA, please inquire as to shipping costs and declarations. If you purchase more than one item, shipment can be combined for shipping cost savings. |
Seller accepts PayPal payments | |
Payment Details: | You may pay by U.S. dollar check(7 day hold), money order or paypal. Please wait until I have invoiced you for total payment, including shipping costs, before sending payment. Thanks |