Listing Format: | Auction |
Current price : | $1,377.00 ( Reserve met ) |
Starting bid: | $100.00 |
# of bids: | 18 |
Closes: | Auction is closed |
Location: | E. Rutherford, New Jersey |
Started: | 4/7/2012 EDT |
Ended: | 4/21/2012 4:30:15 PM EDT |
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This patent was designed to free the cork from the fram so it could be removed from the fram. The pivoting teeth on both sides of the frame lock the shart to the fram while drawing the cork. Release the teeth and the shaft drops out of the fram so the cork can be removed from the screw.
W. Neues Patent, No. 184074, September 3, 1902
Please email any questions and thank you for bidding
This corkscrew is in perfect working order and wonderful condition..
Shipping Cost: | Shipping by U.S Postal Service. Domestic: $6.95 Priority Mail. Insurance extra, based upon selling price. Buyer assumes full risk if insurance not purchased. International: cost depends on buyer preferences for speed and protection. Inquire about range of options. Declared Value for Customs and insurance will be selling price. |
Seller accepts PayPal payments | |
Payment Details: | I accept Paypal, money orders & cashiers checks. Checks and money orders must be payable in U.S dollars and drawn on a U.S. bank. Personal US check accepted from current ICCA and CCCC members. |